Meeting Work Plan TPID Badung - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Meeting Work Plan TPID Badung

Meeting Work Plan TPID Badung

January 28, 2015 | Other Activities

      TPID (Regional Inflation Control Team) Badung were formed on 24 December 2014 and then, held a coordination meeting the work plan. The meeting, which was attended by the Head of BI (Bank Indonesia) Bali Goddess Setiawati Representative, led Kompyang Badung District Secretary R. Swandika and attended by Assistant Economy and Development Dewa Made Apramana, BPS chief god Suambara Badung, Head of Agriculture, Forestry Plantations Gst. Ketut Sudaratmaja, Head of SME Diskoperindag and I Ketut Karpiana, Head Dishubkominfo I Wayan Weda Dharmaja, Head Kesbangpollinmas I Nyoman Suendi, Head of Tourism Cok Darmawan, head of the Cultural IB. Anom bhasma, Head of Economics god Joni Astabrata and of the Chamber of Commerce as well as the related local government offices, housed in a meeting room Nayaka Gosana Government Mangupraja Mandala. Tuesday (27/1).

      On the occasion, the Head of the Bali Provincial Representative BI Goddess Setiawati give the highest appreciation that Badung is the pioneer, after two (2) areas, namely; Denpasar city and Buleleng. Badung regency has also established by the Decree of the Regent of Badung TPID associated with the Regional Inflation Control Team. According to Dewi Setiawati, TPID has duties and responsibilities include; policy decision to be taken related to regional inflation control, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of measures taken by relevant regional inflation control, formulate sectoral policy recommendations related to efforts to maintain the affordability of goods and services in the area to be followed by the related local government offices in accordance with the duties and authority of each -masing.

        In addition, TPID also performed an analysis of the source or potential inflationary pressure area, the analysis of regional economic problems that can interfere with price stability and affordability of goods and services, conduct an inventory of data and information price level of goods and services in general through pangamatan against inflation in the region , identify and analyze problems that can interfere with the regional economy affordability of goods and services in the area, make recommendations to support the formulation and standard setting general costs associated with planning and budgeting as well as the minimum wage in the area, communication, socialization and publications as well as provide an appeal (moral suasion) to the public on matters that are required in order to maintain price stability. TPID also has duties and obligations in optimizing the supply, use, and dissemination of data / information on the production, supply and price, particularly staple food commodities credible and easily accessible to the public, coordination and synchronization of regional policies to address the problem of affordability of goods and services through forums TPID regional coordination meetings, coordination meetings and regional centers, as well as coordination meetings and prepare a report of the National TPID TPID task execution once every 6 months as well as TPID Regency / City TPID submit an assignment to the Governor every first week of July and first week of January.
       Meanwhile Kompyang Badung District Secretary R. Swandika expressed appreciation to the central bank, with the presence of this meeting has provided an overview and insight that such strategic importance and this TPID. Badung TPID will be ready to assist the government in this regard TPID Bank Indonesia and Bali Province in carrying out the tasks of controlling inflation in Badung. Explained that the data released by the BI and CPM-related inflation, growth and the other is a signal for the region when he set up the Local Government Work Plan (RKPD). "Data from the BPS is a guide of TAPD and BAPPEDA in programming activities in SKPD. Once the importance of controlling inflation / price of course highly correlated in budgeting and important in preparing SKPDs activities, "he said.
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