To get the data Statistics of Badung Regency, Please come to our Integrated Statistical Services at Raya Darmasaba Street, subdistrict Abiansemal, Badung Regency, every work days start from 08:00 to 15:30 WITA
Do you need statistical data and consulting services? Please go through the Whatsapp chat service 0822-1010-5103 or email All of our services are free (no charge).
Pencacahan Listing Sensus Ekonomi 2016
May 31, 2016 | BPS Activities
Kegiatan Sensus Ekonomi 2016 telah berlangsung mulai tanggal 1 -31 Mei 2016. Kabupaten Badung merekrut 1220 orang dimana tugasnya tersebar di seluruh pelosok wilayah. Pelaksanaan Sensus Ekonomi 2016 telah berjalan sesuai harapan, meskipun beberapa saat ditemui kendala namun dapat teratasi.
If #SahabatData has any questions about statistical data, please contact us via Whatsapp. Our operators are ready to give assistances. Our service is available on every working days, Monday to Friday from 08.00 pm tp 3.30 pm
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Badung (BPS-Statistics of Badung Regency)Jl. Raya Darmasaba