Editing and marking Document Results 2016 Economic Census Enumeration - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Editing and marking Document Results 2016 Economic Census Enumeration

 Editing and marking Document Results 2016 Economic Census Enumeration

June 15, 2016 | BPS Activities

The quality of the results of Economic Census 2016 (SE2016) is determined by many factors, including the quality of field officers and honesty of respondents in answering questions officers. To ensure both cases, the process of supervision and inspection carried out continuously and tiered either by supervisors, coordinators and staff organically Central Statistics Agency (BPS) District. Badung.
Besides both cases, efforts were made by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Badung in maintaining the quality of data. One of them with the editing stages of coding. This stage is the second stage of the examination of the results of the field enumeration. In addition to the checks, at this stage is also carried out repairs stuffing if something goes wrong and the provision of the code in the field enumeration document.
The editing stage coding begins with training candidates editor implemented in two stages, dated June 16, 2016 and June 17, 2016. The number of officers involved in coding SE2016 editing activity in the district. Badung as many as 96 people. While coding the editing process lasted until the mid-late June 2016
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