October 1, 2018 | Other Activities
Mangupura - Monday (10/01/2018) October 1 is celebrated as the Pancasila Divine Day, as part of the Badung State Civil Apparatus (ASN) BPS Regency also commemorates it by holding a Pancasila Day Commemoration in the courtyard of the Badung Regency BPS office in full Korpri .
In this apple event the Head of the Central Bureau of Statistics, Ir. Ni Putu Minarni S., MMA acted as the ceremonial guide to read the Pancasila text which was then followed by all the participants of the ceremony. The pledge was also read out on the Pledge to make a determination to keep and practice the values of Pancasila as a source of strength in gathering together to fight for, uphold truth and justice for the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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