October 29, 2018 | Other Activities
Mangupura - Monday (29/10/2018) October 28, 2018 is celebrated as the 90th Youth Oath Day. The theme of this Youth Oath Day was "Build Youth Together with Indonesia". The Badung Regency BPS also commemorated the implementation of Apples on Monday, October 29, 2018 in the courtyard of the BPS office in Badung Regency using KORPRI Batik clothing.
In this event, the Head of the Badung Regency BPS, Ir. Ni Putu Minarni S., MMA acted as a ceremony coach to read the remarks from the Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia. Through this Youth Oath Day commemoration, we are expected to always respect the services of the youth, the services of the nation's founders and the services of our heroes.
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