Focus Group Discussion of Badung Publication Data in Numbers and SP2020 Mapping Socialization - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Focus Group Discussion of Badung Publication Data in Numbers and SP2020 Mapping Socialization

Focus Group Discussion of Badung Publication Data in Numbers and SP2020 Mapping Socialization

April 23, 2019 | BPS Activities

The Focus Group Discussion aims to become the basis and initiate two major BPS activities held this year, namely the Preparation of Badung Publications in Figures 2019. BPS can no longer run alone in collecting, processing and presenting statistical data. The macro statistical data produced by BPS is certainly not strong enough to be able to help take policies that are more swooping into regional development problems. Therefore the existence of sectoral data is needed to be able to provide detailed information about an area.

The second is the mapping and updating of Wilkerstat SP2020. BPS will carry out mapping activities as a basis for forming statistical work areas. This year BPS made a breakthrough by accommodating the boundaries of the Local Environment Unit in Bali which is commonly called the Banjar Dinas / Lingkungan into its statistical work area map. This is also not intended to support data synchronization between basic and sectoral statistical data, and to realize "One Map" of Badung district. The resulting map will not have any legal force to resolve regional conflicts or interests, but rather aimed at the division of work areas. However, "One Map" will not be realized if there is no agreement on administrative boundaries. Therefore BPS hopes that the agreement can be generated in this forum.

The Focus Group Discussion was opened by the Regional Secretary of Badung Regency, which was started by a report from the committee chairman of the Head of the Badung Regency BPS. The FGD was attended by 53 OPD invitees and 62 people from the Village Head / Lurah. The event took place on Tuesday, April 23, 2019 in the Gita Gosana Room of the Communication and Information Office of Badung Regency.

# Success of SP2020
# dataLoveMovement
#data educated nation
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