Evaluation of the Implementation of the SP2020 Net Rehearsal - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Evaluation of the Implementation of the SP2020 Net Rehearsal

Evaluation of the Implementation of the SP2020 Net Rehearsal

July 9, 2019 | BPS Activities

Mangupura-Tuesday (07/08/2019) Head of BPS of Badung Regency together with the Badung Regency BPS MAKO Team attended an evaluation of the SP2020 Net Rehearsal Implementation and Statistics Community Forum Working Visit at BPS Jembrana Regency. Where Jembrana Regency is one of the districts selected as the district where the 2020 Population Census Rehearsal was implemented.

All preparations have been carefully planned by both the Bali Province BPS Team and the Jembrana Regency BPS MAKO Team. The rehearsal was carried out with the aim of getting an initial overview of the implementation of the Population Census to be held in 2020.

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