Visit of Mamasa Regency Tourism Office - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Visit of Mamasa Regency Tourism Office

Visit of Mamasa Regency Tourism Office

July 31, 2019 | Other Activities

With regard to the program and Activities of the Mamasa Regency Tourism Office in the Tourism Investment Sector of TA 2019 namely the Development of Partnerships with Comparative Study for the Compilation of Tourism Statistics Data, the Mamasa Regency Tourism Office today Wednesday, July 31, 2019 visited the Badung Regency BPS. The visit was carried out to share consultations on accurate tourism statistics.

In this case the Head of Distribution Statistics Section I Wayan Kamajaya, SE along with Sony staff Puji Triasmoro SST, M.Sc. played a role in providing an understanding of the survey conducted to produce tourism data as well as the publication of data collection on tourism statistics in Badung Regency.

The Mamasa Regency Tourism Office who attended the visit was the Secretary of the Mamasa Regency Tourism Office, 3 Kasubbag people and 2 staff expressed their gratitude for being given the understanding and information that would later be socialized at the Mamasa Regency Tourism Office.

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