Badung Regency Research and Development Advisory Council Session - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Badung Regency Research and Development Advisory Council Session

Badung Regency Research and Development Advisory Council Session

August 7, 2019 | Other Activities

The Gini ratio or coefficient is a tool to measure the degree of inequality in population distribution. To measure inequality / disparity in population expenditure, BPS uses the Gini Ratio and expenditure distribution indicators according to the World Bank.

Based on the release of the Central Bureau of Statistics of the Province of Bali that the Gini Ratio in Badung Regency has increased from 0.32 in 2017 to 0.34 in 2018. This shows that there is a tendency for an increase in the income distribution gap among the people in Badung Regency.

The Badung Regency Government is concerned about a higher level of inequality, which is certainly not in line with the objectives of the policy / development in Badung Regency so far. In this regard the Badung Regency Research Advisory Assembly Session was held at Udayana University on Wednesday, August 7, 2019.

In this event, the Head of Badung Regency BPS, Ir. Ni Putu Minarni S., MMA explained the phenomenon of the increase in the Badung Regency Gini ratio. The percentage of poverty in Badung Regency has decreased quite high from 2.06 in 2017 to 1.98 in 2018, this is inseparable from the concentration of the Badung Regency Government in poverty alleviation. Many budget and poverty alleviation programs poured out in Badung Regency. If you look at the expenditure characteristics of the population of Badung Regency, it is seen that there is an increase in average expenditure for each group of expenditure deciles. However, the increase in expenditure for the lowest group and the top group is not in line. around 1 million.

Inequality of population income is usually calculated using the Gini ratio approach and the imbalance of World Bank criteria. Badung regency's Gini ratio recorded an increase of 0.020 points compared to 2017. Recorded from 0.319 in 2017 to 0.339 in 2018. If it is associated with the pattern of population expenditure in Badung Regency, it is illustrated in line with the increase in expenditure of the lower class population is not proportional to the increase in group expenditure on. When viewed from the World Bank expenditure group, the lowest 40% population expenditure group experienced a decline compared to 2017, and an increase in the top 20% group. This will make the expenditure of the population at the top and bottom.

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