August 15, 2019 | BPS Activities
The National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS) is a special survey to collect employment data which is conducted twice in February and August. In August 2019, the Central Statistics Agency conducted the Annual Sakernas Enumeration which was carried out from August 8-27, 2019 with a total sample of 68 census blocks.
In an effort to achieve quality targets and the right time and in accordance with the SOP in carrying out the survey enumeration, BPS Badung District held the 2019 Annual Sakernas Evaluation Meeting. The meeting was attended by 14 supervisory officers. The event was opened with the direction of the Head of BPS Badung Regency Ir. Ni Putu Minarni S., MMA which was held at the BPS Meeting Room in Badung Regency.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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