October 7, 2019 | BPS Activities
VHTL is a survey that aims to collect data on hotel / accommodation room occupancy rates, average length of stay, and number of guests staying at hotel / accommodation. The collection of hotel and accommodation statistical data is carried out routinely every year by BPS Badung Regency.
Considering that the quality of the data was determined from the results of enumeration, supervision, inspection and processing, BPS Badung Regency conducted a VHTL data quality assurance event held at Warung Carik Aban on October 7, 2019 and was attended by 22 participants opened by the Head of BPS in Badung Regency Ir. Ni Putu Minarni S., MMA. It is hoped that with this kind of event, participants can improve the quality of VHTL data better and problems encountered by each participant can be solved together.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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