To get the data Statistics of Badung Regency, Please come to our Integrated Statistical Services at Raya Darmasaba Street, subdistrict Abiansemal, Badung Regency, every work days start from 08:00 to 15:30 WITA
Do you need statistical data and consulting services? Please go through the Whatsapp chat service 0822-1010-5103 or email All of our services are free (no charge).
Rapat Teknis Daerah BPS Provinsi Bali Tahun Anggaran (TA) 2020
December 11, 2020 | Other Activities
Friday, December 11, 2020, the Bali Province BPS Regional Technical Meeting for the 2020 Fiscal Year (TA) was held at the Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur. The activity began with an opening and direction from the Head of the Bali Province BPS, followed by the presentation of the SP2020 evaluation results. The meeting was attended by BPS Structural Officials in Bali with Covid-19 risk prevention protocols.
Still in its outline, an assessment of the performance of each sector is carried out in the BPS districts / cities in Bali. BPS Badung Regency won several awards, including:
IPDS Section (First of Best)
Production Section (Second of Best)
Distribution Section (Second of Best)
Social Section (Third of Best)
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Badung (BPS-Statistics of Badung Regency)Jl. Raya Darmasaba