Monday Useful Knowledge Sharing Regarding VHTS Survey - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Monday Useful Knowledge Sharing Regarding VHTS Survey

Monday Useful Knowledge Sharing Regarding VHTS Survey

March 22, 2021 | Other Activities

Tourism has an important role in national development, especially as a driving force for the community's economy. One of the many tourism industries in Badung Regency is accommodation company / business or hotel.
With the increasing number of activities in hotels, it is necessary to collect data on hotel characteristics which are very important to obtain indicators such as hotel occupancy rates, average length of stay for guests and so on, it is necessary to carry out a VHTS survey.
Today, March 22, 2021, Coordinator of the Statistical Function Distribution of knowledge sharing regarding the VHTS Survey which is also carried out every month by the BPS of Badung Regency.
From the VHTS survey results, the room occupancy rate (TPK) of star hotels in Bali Province in January 2021 was recorded at 11.15 percent, while the ROR for non-star hotels was recorded at 6.70 percent. Meanwhile, the average length of stay for foreign and domestic guests at star-rated hotels was 3.50 days.
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