Dissemination of Statistical Data by Writing - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Dissemination of Statistical Data by Writing

Dissemination of Statistical Data by Writing

April 7, 2021 | Other Activities

As a statistical person, BPS must also submit the data generated to the relevant local government, the general public and to those who need it.

As an effort to disseminate data to data consumers, BPS Badung Regency held a Webinar with the theme Writing Tricks in Mass Media. The webinar, which is held on Wednesday, April 7, 2021, presents a resource person, Mr. Iqbal Aji Daryono, a permanent columnist at detikcom.

With writing materials, namely statistical data owned by BPS, it is hoped that all participants can disseminate statistical data through writing and provide benefits to others.

Thank you to #SahabatData who have participated in this webinar, hopefully you can add insight and wait for us in the next webinar.


#Bureaucratic Reform
#Movement of LoveData
#QualityStatisticData Provider
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Badung (BPS-Statistics of Badung Regency)Jl. Raya Darmasaba


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