Village Potential Officer Training (Podes) in 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Village Potential Officer Training (Podes) in 2021

Village Potential Officer Training (Podes) in 2021

May 27, 2021 | BPS Activities

Village Potential Data (Podes) that are accurate, current and relevant are very useful for area-based development planning. Podes data is very rich data, describing the potential of a village level area.

According to the results of the Podes data collection in 2018, there were 5 villages / wards that had health facilities in the form of hospitals, 13 villages / wards had puskesmas, 50 villages / wards had auxiliary puskesmas, 20 villages / wards had polyclinics / medical centers, 54 villages / wards which has a doctor's office, 52 villages / wards that have a Midwife Practice Place, 1 village / sub-district that has a Poskesdes, 38 villages / wards that have a pharmacy, and 14 villages / wards that have a special medicine / herbal shop.

Prior to the implementation of field data collection, BPS Badung Regency conducted training for Podes officers online on Thursday, 27 May 2021 to 29 May 2021. The training event was opened with remarks from the Head of BPS of Badung Regency, Dr. Yudi Agusta M.Sc. He advised the officers to understand the concept of the given definition, master the CAPI Podes 2021 application, and be proactive in discussions. At the supervisory level, he hopes that supervisors can escort and help solve various problems in the field.

The field data collection mechanism is carried out face-to-face while still paying attention to health protocols.


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