Happy National Elderly Day - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Happy National Elderly Day

Happy National Elderly Day

May 29, 2021 | Other Activities

National Elderly Day is commemorated with the aim of appreciating the spirit of body and soul as well as the important and strategic role of the elderly population in Indonesia.

The elderly population (aged 60 years and over) in Badung Regency is 61,031 people or 11.20% of the total population of Badung Regency. This data is based on the results of the 2020 Population Census carried out by the Central Statistics Agency. This data can be accessed #SahabatData on the page https://badungkab.bps.go.id/.../1/penduduk-hasil-sensus.html

Let's appreciate the enthusiasm of the elderly residents, starting from their closest people, such as family, grandparents, and parents. Love and take care of him as he has taken care of us all along.


#Day ContinueAge
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#Movement of LoveData
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