Happy World Oceans Day June 8, 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Happy World Oceans Day June 8, 2021

Happy World Oceans Day June 8, 2021

June 8, 2021 | Other Activities

The commemoration of World Oceans Day aims to raise awareness of the importance of marine sustainability for humans. Given that 70 percent of the planet Earth is ocean, it is important to conserve and protect marine life.

In 2020, the number of marine fishermen in Badung Regency is 2,045 people, consisting of 572 fishermen who work full-time, 584 people whose main job is as a fisherman but while taking other jobs and 889 people who make fishing as additional work. This data is sourced from the Badung Regency Fisheries Service published by the Badung Regency BPS through the Badung Regency Publications in Figures book. This publication can be accessed #SahabatData on https://badungkab.bps.go.id/publication.html?Publikasi%5BtahunJudul%5D=&Publikasi%5BkataKunci%5D=badung+dalam+angka&Publikasi%5BcekJudul%5D=0&yt0=Show.

Let's protect the sustainability and marine life from garbage and pollution for a better life on earth. Because the sea is the future of the nation.









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