To get the data Statistics of Badung Regency, Please come to our Integrated Statistical Services at Raya Darmasaba Street, subdistrict Abiansemal, Badung Regency, every work days start from 08:00 to 15:30 WITA
Do you need statistical data and consulting services? Please go through the Whatsapp chat service 0822-1010-5103 or email All of our services are free (no charge).
Clean Friday BPS Badung Regency
June 25, 2021 | Other Activities
Clean Friday is one of the management of Happy Hours activities of BPS Badung Regency. Friday, June 25, 2021, clean Friday activities will be held at Seseh Beach, Mengwi District, Badung Regency. This is carried out in order to increase the capacity of employees so that they can implement a clean lifestyle and protect the surrounding environment.
Let's keep it clean, because cleanliness is the base of health. And from healthy souls will create a happy atmosphere..