Happy Eid Al-Adha 1442 Hijriyah - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Happy Eid Al-Adha 1442 Hijriyah

Happy Eid Al-Adha 1442 Hijriyah

July 20, 2021 | Other Activities

Welcome a day full of blessings, purify yourself, and make peace with your soul on a day full of wisdom.
May blessings always be with us all.

In 2020, there are 29 Alim Ulama clergy in Badung Regency, 47 preachers, and 51 preachers. This data was collected by the Ministry of Religion of Badung Regency and presented in the Badung publication in Figures which can be accessed #SahabatData on the page

Keep obeying the health protocol, #FriendsData in worship, so that we can break the chain of spreading Covid-19.


#Eid al-Adha
#Bureaucracy Reform
#DataIntellecting the Nation

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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