Launching of the TikLiDaKu Coaching Program - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Launching of the TikLiDaKu Coaching Program

Launching of the TikLiDaKu Coaching Program

August 23, 2021 | Other Activities

Monday, August 23, 2021 BPS Badung Regency implemented the virtual declaration of the Supporting Data Guardian Statistics Program (TikLiDaKu). The event was attended by the Head of the Badung Regency Communication and Information Office, all sub-district heads, Perbekel/Lurah in the Badung Regency area, and participants in the development of TikLiDaKu in Getasan Village as well as all employees of the Badung Regency BPS.

The Head of BPS for Badung Regency conveyed that this TikLiDaKu development activity was the implementation of broader and sustainable sectoral statistical development to villages/kelurahan, sub-districts, and agencies/agencies. This program also aims to support the One Data Badung program, with activities carried out are community statistical awareness surveys, inventory of data availability in support of the One Data Badung program and evaluation of sectoral statistical activities in accordance with the NSPK. This activity was carried out in collaboration with the Badung Regency Communication and Information Office, where in 2021, there will be 5 offices and 6 villages/kelurahan that will be the targets of the first phase of development.

The Head of the Regency Communication and Information Office said that the Regional Government really needed this TikLiDaKu development program. As in terms of managing social assistance, the Badung Regency Communication and Information Office must collaborate with data from various agencies to provide quality data. So with this program, it is hoped that the local government can provide data that is in accordance with the norms, standard procedures and criteria that apply.


#Bureaucracy Reform
#DataIntellecting the Nation

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