Badung Data One Forum Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Badung Data One Forum Meeting

Badung Data One Forum Meeting

September 28, 2021 | Other Activities

In realizing the development of the Badung One Data System in the Badung Regency area, the Badung Regency BPS in collaboration with the Badung Regency Regional Government held a Badung One Data Forum meeting with the theme "Creating Quality and Integrated Data Through the Badung Regency One Data Forum".

This event presents 3 speakers, namely:
1. Head of BPS Badung Regency with the material "One Indonesia Data and One Badung Data Forum"
2. The Head of the Badung Regency Bappeda delivered the material "Transformation of Badung Regency Development Planning Data Needs"
3. Head of the Badung Regency Communication and Information Office with the material "Governance Plan and System Design for One Badung Data"

The head of the Badung Regency BPS concluded 3 points, namely conveying one quality Badung Data to be an urgent need for planning. The composition of the One Data Badung Forum needs to understand its duties so that the One Badung Data Forum is more effective and efficient. Supporting systems and infrastructure need to be formulated and realized to meet user data needs.


#Bureaucracy Reform
#DataIntellecting the Nation

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