Public Consultation on the Results of Compiling the Land Use Balance Sheet for South Kuta District i - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Public Consultation on the Results of Compiling the Land Use Balance Sheet for South Kuta District i

Public Consultation on the Results of Compiling the Land Use Balance Sheet for South Kuta District i

November 3, 2021 | BPS Activities

Wednesday, November 3, 2021, the Head of the Badung Regency BPS was invited as a resource person in the Public Consultation on NPGT Results organized by the Badung Regency Land Office in the Bali Hai Room, 10th Floor, Grand Inna Sanur. At this event, the Head of the Central Bureau of Statistics of Badung Regency conveyed about the Population and Economic conditions of South Kuta.

The PGT balance sheet has benefits including being a material for the preparation or revision of the detailed Spatial Plan that has been determined, being an input in the policy for implementing the adjustment of land use and utilization with the RDTR, being an input in land policy in solving land problems, as initial information for strategic programs. land and other development plans, serve as initial information for the government and the private sector in carrying out investment development in an area. The benefit for academics is that it can be used as study material to provide research references in the field of regional planning, provide an overview of the development of the agricultural and non-agricultural sectors and provide an overview of the progress of development in a region and development in a region.

In the meeting the Head of BPS Badung Regency conveyed the condition of the population in South Kuta District in terms of number, density, growth rate, etc. From the economic side, information related to star and non-star hotels, livestock and fisheries, financial services, etc. is also conveyed. All data are compared between villages for which data is generally available in the publication of South Kuta in Figures. The data is expected to be used for planning the NPGT study, and following up on the results of the study carried out.


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