Human Development Index (HDI) 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Human Development Index (HDI) 2021

Human Development Index (HDI) 2021

November 29, 2021 | BPS Activities

Human Development Index (HDI)

Human development in Badung Regency shows a direction of improvement, this can be seen from the growth of the Human Development Index (HDI), which has increased compared to the previous year. The HDI of Badung Regency in 2021 is 81.83 and is classified as very high.

The Human Development Index (HDI) is one of the indicators that can be used to measure the success of the government in building the quality of life of the community, as indicated by the HDI in determining macroeconomic assumptions.

The HDI is formed by three basic dimensions, namely a long and healthy life, knowledge, and a decent standard of living. Longevity and healthy life are described by Life Expectancy at birth (UHH), which is the number of years a newborn baby is expected to live, with the assumption that the pattern of mortality according to age at birth is the same throughout the baby's age. Knowledge is measured through the indicators of Average Years of Schooling and Expected Years of Schooling. Average Length of Schooling (RLS) is the average length (years) of residents aged 25 years and over in undergoing formal education. Expected Length of School (HLS) is defined as the length (years) of formal schooling that is expected to be experienced by children at a certain age in the future. A decent standard of living is described by adjusted per capita expenditure, which is determined from the value of per capita expenditure and purchasing power parity.

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