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Product - News

Kutuh Village, Recipient of the Best 10 Beautiful Villages Award 2021

Kutuh Village, Recipient of the Best 10 Beautiful Villages Award 2021

Kutuh Village, Recipient of the Best 10 Beautiful Villages Award 2021

November 30, 2021 | Other Activities

Monday, November 29, 2021, the 10 Best Statistical Love Villages in 2021 are determined according to the results of the evaluation and implementation of the Beautiful Village program which will be held on November 8-25, 2021.

Previously, the Visitation and Ground Check for the Assessment of the Implementation of the Beautiful Village Program 2021 by BPS RI was carried out on November 22 to the Badung Regency BPS office, which was followed by a Visitation and Ground Check on November 23, 2021.

In the context of the awarding ceremony for the Best 10 Beautiful Villages in 2021 which will be held on 5 – 8 December 2021, the Central Statistics Agency invites 1 (one) village/kelurahan representative and 1 (one) Village Statistics Supervisor for each Beautiful Village. Best to be present at Shangri-La Hotel Jakarta.

Congratulations to Kutuh Village, may you always share and be an example for the development of other statistical villages throughout Indonesia.


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