Audience of the Statistical Ambassador Program with the Badung Regency Education, Youth, and Sports - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Audience of the Statistical Ambassador Program with the Badung Regency Education, Youth, and Sports

Audience of the Statistical Ambassador Program with the Badung Regency Education, Youth, and Sports

December 13, 2021 | Other Activities

In an effort to increase the statistical capacity of the community and the use of statistics by the community, the Badung Regency BPS initiated an innovation program, namely the Statistical Ambassador Program. This work program is carried out in Junior High Schools (SMP), High Schools (SMA), Higher Education, and Village/Kelurahan Community Information Groups (KIM) in Badung Regency. In its implementation, this program requires cooperation from several parties including the Badung Regency Education, Youth and Sports Office.

Therefore, on Monday, December 13, 2021, the Badung Regency BPS held an audience with the Badung Regency Youth and Sports Education Office. The purpose of this hearing is to convey the goals and objectives of the Statistical Ambassador program. In addition, this hearing was also intended to ask for support and cooperation from the Badung Regency Education, Youth and Sports Office to jointly contribute and make this Statistical Ambassador program successful.


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