Retirement Ceremony and Activities to Welcome the New Year 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Retirement Ceremony and Activities to Welcome the New Year 2022

Retirement Ceremony and Activities to Welcome the New Year 2022

December 31, 2021 | Other Activities

Friday, December 31, 2021 BPS Badung Regency held a retirement ceremony and activities to welcome the new year 2022. The event was held in the meeting room of BPS Badung Regency while still implementing health protocols.

At this event, souvenirs were handed out to Mr. I Ketut Wirana who had entered his retirement period on January 1, 2022. The event was also filled with impressions and messages from the Commitment Making Officer (PPK), Procurement Officer and Change Agent in 2021 as well as awarding the official for his service in 2021.

Finally, the Commitment Making Officer (PPK), Procurement Officer and Change Agent who will serve in 2022 were also announced.

Welcome to the New Year 2022. New hope for BPS is increasingly victorious.


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