To get the data Statistics of Badung Regency, Please come to our Integrated Statistical Services at Raya Darmasaba Street, subdistrict Abiansemal, Badung Regency, every work days start from 08:00 to 15:30 WITA
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Meeting of Employee Work Target Report (SKP) and Employee Behavior Records 2021
Meeting of Employee Work Target Report (SKP) and Employee Behavior Records 2021
January 7, 2022 | Other Activities
Friday, January 8, 2022 BPS Badung Regency held a Meeting for the Preparation of the Employee Work Target Report (SKP) and the 2021 Employee Behavior Record.
The performance report using the Kemenpan RB version is a new thing for BPS employees, especially BPS Badung Regency.
The meeting was held face-to-face in the Meeting room of the Badung Regency BPS Office while still paying attention to health protocols.