Wilkerstat ST2023 Payload and Geospatial Framework Update - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Wilkerstat ST2023 Payload and Geospatial Framework Update

Wilkerstat ST2023 Payload and Geospatial Framework Update

March 7, 2022 | BPS Activities

BPS carried out the activity of Updating the Geospatial Framework and Wilkerstat ST2023. One of the aims and objectives of this activity is to improve the quality and quantity of the availability of the statistical work area master framework as the basis for the ST2023 field implementation and to obtain the latest ST2023 agricultural wilkerstat content. The field mapping activity will take place from 1-31 March 2022.

Let's jointly succeed in field mapping activities in the context of updating the geospatial framework and the content of the 2023 Agricultural Census statistical work area. Recording Indonesian Agriculture, for food sovereignty and farmers' welfare.


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