Badung Regency Gross Regional Domestic Product Release by Business Field 2017-2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Badung Regency Gross Regional Domestic Product Release by Business Field 2017-2021

Badung Regency Gross Regional Domestic Product Release by Business Field 2017-2021

April 5, 2022 | BPS Activities

The Central Bureau of Statistics of Badung Regency released the publication "Gross Regional Domestic Product of Badung Regency by Business Field in 2017-2021"

Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP) is one of the macroeconomic indicators presented by BPS regularly every year, to describe the economic condition of a region. The publication "Gross Regional Domestic Product of Badung Regency by Field of Business in 2017-2021" explains the development of the GRDP value of Badung Regency for the last 5 (five) years. This publication may provide meaning for economic development in Badung Regency, as well as be useful for data users.

In 2021, the value of Badung Regency's GRDP at current prices will reach 44,803 trillion rupiah. In nominal terms, this GRDP value has decreased by 4.210 trillion rupiah compared to 2020 which reached 49,014 trillion rupiah. The lower value of GRDP in 2021 is due to the unstable production of goods and services from various business fields after the COVID-19 pandemic.

This complete data can be found #SahabatData in the publication of the Badung Regency Gross Regional Domestic Product by Field of Business in 2017-2021 or on the publication -regional-gross-district-badung-by-field-of-business-2017-2021.html


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