Anti-Corruption Behavior Survey (SPAK) 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Anti-Corruption Behavior Survey (SPAK) 2022

Anti-Corruption Behavior Survey (SPAK) 2022

April 26, 2022 | BPS Activities

The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) was explicitly assigned by the President of the Republic of Indonesia to measure indicators in the fifth strategy, namely increasing education and anti-corruption culture efforts. This fifth strategy is considered important because one of the root causes of the development of corrupt practices is thought to stem from the low integrity of the perpetrators.

To meet these needs, since 2012 BPS together with the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) have organized activities in the form of the Anti-Corruption Behavior Survey (SPAK). The output of the Anti-Corruption Behavior Survey is the Anti-Corruption Behavior Index (IPAK). This index is a composite indicator that measures people's behavior in small-scale corruption (petty corruption) and does not include large-scale corruption (grand corruption).

IPAK measures the level of public permissiveness to anti-corruption behavior. If you look at its development, the national IPAK tends to fluctuate from 2012 to 2021. The national IPAK in 2012 was 3.55 and increased in 2013 to 3.63. After that, the national IPAK continued to decline until 2015 to 3.59. In 2017 the national IPAK again increased to 3.71. Although the national IPAK decreased again in 2018 to 3.66, starting in 2019 the national IPAK continued to increase from 3.70 (in 2017), 3.84 (in 2020), to 3.88 (in 2021). Complete data can be #FriendsData access on the page


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