DPP and DUTL Updating Evaluation Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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DPP and DUTL Updating Evaluation Meeting

DPP and DUTL Updating Evaluation Meeting

July 15, 2022 | BPS Activities

One of the important activities carried out this year is Updating the Directory of Agricultural Companies and the Directory of Other Agricultural Businesses (Updating DPP and DUTL) which is a series of activities from the implementation of the Agricultural Census. Based on Law Number 16 of 1997, the implementation of the Agricultural Census is the duty and responsibility of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). Complete and comprehensive basic statistics on the agricultural sector are collected through the Agricultural Census.

On Friday, July 15, 2022, the Central Bureau of Statistics of Badung Regency held an Evaluation Meeting on Updating the Directory of Agricultural Companies and Other Agricultural Business Directories (Updating DPP and DUTL). BPS Badung Regency has reached the target of DPP completion of 100% and the completion of DUTL has exceeded the set target of 103%, this meeting is aimed at conducting field surveys related to the existence of the Women Farmers Group (KWT) in Badung Regency.


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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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