Training for National Labor Force Survey Officers (Sakernas) August 2022 BPS Badung Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Training for National Labor Force Survey Officers (Sakernas) August 2022 BPS Badung Regency

Training for National Labor Force Survey Officers (Sakernas) August 2022 BPS Badung Regency

July 21, 2022 | BPS Activities

In the context of implementing the August 2022 National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) in Badung Regency, the Badung Regency BPS conducted training for the August 2022 National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) officers at the Santika Seminyak Hotel. The training took place from 21-22 July 2022 which was attended by 38 participants consisting of 23 enumerators, 11 supervisors, 2 inda and 2 committee members.

In this training, officers were given material on the general explanation of Sakernas August 2022, the instruments used, document flow and field organization, enumeration procedures and procedures for filling out questionnaires, updating the content of the census block and sampling, explaining the concept of the definition of Sakernas August 2022, as well as KBLI and KBJI. On the last day of the training, role playing and evaluation will also be carried out which will be delivered by Inda.

Congratulations on running the training to the officers
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