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Product - News

Dissemination of Badung Regent's Regulation on One Regional Data

Dissemination of Badung Regent's Regulation on One Regional Data

Dissemination of Badung Regent's Regulation on One Regional Data

July 28, 2022 | Other Activities

Thursday, July 28, 2022, the Badung Regency Government held a meeting in the meeting room of the Badung Regency Inspectorate in the context of Disseminating the Badung Regent's Regulation Number 3 of 2022 concerning One Regional Data and the Badung Regent's Decree Number 45/051/2022 concerning the Establishment of the One Regional Data Forum.

In this event, BPS Badung Regency was present as a resource person represented by Mr. Anak Agung Ngurah Aris Jayandrana who delivered material on One Indonesian Data and One Badung Data. Also present was Plt. The Head of the Badung Regency BPS as the Supervisor of the Badung Regency Regional Data One.

On this occasion also the signing of the Commitment for One Badung Data by the Regional Development Planning Agency of Badung Regency to commit to providing data that has four main principles, namely data standards, standard metadata, meeting data interoperability, and using reference codes compiled in One Badung Data, formulating planning and public policy based on studies based on One Badung Data to realize targeted, sustainable and sustainable development and invite all levels of society, government, private parties, communities, non-governmental organizations, and academics to participate in supporting, producing, and utilize One Badung Data.


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#DataIntellecting the Nation
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