SUSENAS MSBP and SERUTI Training Quarter III Kab. Badung - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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SUSENAS MSBP and SERUTI Training Quarter III Kab. Badung

SUSENAS MSBP and SERUTI Training Quarter III Kab. Badung

September 2, 2024 | BPS Activities

BPS Badung Regency is carrying out training for SUSENAS officers in the Socio-Cultural and Educational Module (MSBP) and SERUTI Quarter III 2024 at the Platinum Hotel Jimbaran Beach Bali on 2-5 September 2024. The training was opened directly by the Head of BPS Badung Regency, Komang Bagus Pawastra SE, MT., MA. A total of 26 prospective officers (17 field data collection officers and 9 field inspection officers) took part in this training.

SUSENAS September has 3 types of modules, namely Social Culture and Education, Health and Housing, and Social Resilience. Each module is collected periodically every 3 years. In September 2024, data collection will be carried out for the Socio-Cultural and Educational Module.

SUSENAS MSBP aims to collect more detailed educational data and information to complement the indicators that have been produced from SUSENAS KOR and provide poverty indicators for September 2024. Meanwhile, SERUTI activities which are carried out every quarter aim to determine developments in community consumption patterns.

The updating implementation will take place on 11-15 September 2024 followed by complete data collection on 20-30 September 2024. Wait for the arrival of our officers, #SobatData🙌
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