Training for prospective Ubinan KSA officers - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Training for prospective Ubinan KSA officers

Training for prospective Ubinan KSA officers

November 25, 2024 | BPS Activities


Badung Regency BPS has just carried out training activities for prospective Ubinan KSA officers. This activity took place for 2 (two) days, namely Monday (25/11) and Tuesday (26/11) in the Badung Regency BPS meeting room.

The training for prospective officers was attended by 17 participants consisting of 6 (six) field enumerators, 10 (ten) organic employees and 1 committee member. The material presented includes definition concepts, observation procedures and use of the KSA Pro and Fasih applications. Apart from delivering material, this activity also became a forum for discussion between field data collection officers and organic employees. So that in the future Ubinan KSA data collection can run smoothly.

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