Sharing with Badung (SEBAD) #6 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Sharing with Badung (SEBAD) #6

Sharing with Badung (SEBAD) #6

November 29, 2024 | Other Activities

Sharing with Badung (SEBAD) #6

Hello #SahabatData, I can't believe that SEBAD has entered its sixth series in November 2024, you know...πŸ‘πŸ‘
This time SEBAD brought up the topic "Making Data Meaningful", namely how to present data that is good and easy for ordinary people to understand. This episode of SEBAD was presented directly by a very extraordinary resource person, namely Mrs. Diana Bhakti as the Functional Statistical Associate Expert for BPS Badung Regency.

This SEBAD activity is still intended for internal BPS Badung Regency employees only. Hopefully in the future #SahabatData can participate in this activity.

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Badan Pusat Statistik

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