Poverty Profile in Bali September 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Poverty Profile in Bali September 2020

Poverty Profile in Bali September 2020Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : February 15, 2021
File Size : 1.14 MB


The percentage of poor people in Bali in September 2020 was recorded at 4.45 percent, up 0.67 percentage points compared to the position in March 2020 which was recorded at 3.78 percent.


The number of poor people in Bali in September 2020 was recorded at around 196.92 thousand people. An increase of 31.73 thousand people compared to the number of poor people in March 2020 which was recorded at around 165.19 thousand people.


During the period March - September 2020, the percentage of poor people in urban areas was recorded to have increased, from 3.33 percent in March 2020 to 4.04 percent in September 2020. The same thing also happened in rural areas, it was noted that the percentage of poor people had increased from 4.78 percent in March 2020 to 5.40 percent in September 2020.


The poverty line was recorded to have increased by around 1.94 percent, from IDR 429,834.00 per capita per month in March 2020 to IDR 438,167.00 per capita per month in September 2020.


The Poverty Depth Index (P1) in Bali in September 2020 was recorded at 0.610, an increase of 0.086 points compared to March 2020, while the Poverty Severity Index (P2) rose 0.02 points from 0.103 in March 2020 to 0.123 in September 2020.


Income inequality in Bali, which is described by the Gini Ratio, did not change from the conditions in March 2020, which was recorded at 0.369 in September 2020.

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