Development of the District Consumer Price Index. Badung May 2024 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Development of the District Consumer Price Index. Badung May 2024

Release Date : June 3, 2024
File Size : 1.07 MB


In May 2024, year on year (y-on-y) inflation occurred in Badung Regency of 4.01 percent with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 105.64.
  • Y-on-y inflation occurred due to an increase in prices as indicated by an increase in all expenditure group indices, including: food, beverage and tobacco groups by 10.31 percent; clothing and footwear group at 4.73 percent; housing, water, electricity and household fuel group at 0.76 percent; equipment, tools and routine household maintenance group of 0.26 percent; health group at 5.05 percent; transportation group at 0.76 percent; information, communication and financial services group at 0.36 percent; recreation, sports and culture group at 2.08 percent; education group of 0.80 percent; food and beverage/restaurant provision group at 0.48 percent; and the personal care and other services group experienced an increase in the index of 1.12 percent.
  • On a monthly basis (month to month / m-to-m), Badung Regency was recorded as experiencing deflation of 0.09 percent. Meanwhile, year to date (y-to-d) inflation was recorded at 1.62 percent
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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