Entry Data SUSENAS March 2015 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Entry Data SUSENAS March 2015

Entry Data SUSENAS March 2015

March 30, 2015 | BPS Activities

    SUSENAS (National Social Economic Survey) which is now entering the stage of data processing by inputting the raw data into a computer through a program / application that has been provided by the BPS RI. Processing schedule began on March 7, 2015 until 17 April 2015.
    BPS Badung have as many as 68 BS workload, so the document will be as many as 680 document processing. The treatment process begins with the installation of the database, the program, the registration officer, operator registration, then do data entry.
    Until the date of March 30, 2015, document processing susenas has done as much as 255 documents. After completion of the entry, the next step will be the validation of data. This stage is checking the consistency between fields, suitability kondef, and fairness stuffing.
    Documents that have been clean when validation, will be re-entry back by BPS Bali Province, in order to avoid the occurrence of errors in entering data entry clerk.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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