Socialization PBDT 2015 in Badung Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Socialization PBDT 2015 in Badung Regency

Socialization PBDT 2015 in Badung Regency

May 21, 2015 | Other Activities

Implementation of the Poverty Reduction Program / Social Protection in Badung within the last seven years have shown positive results. It can be seen from the development of the poverty level and the rate of open unemployment continued to decline significantly. In 2006 the level of poverty in the Badung regency of 4.57%, equivalent to about 18,250 people of the total population of Badung regency in 2006. In developments in subsequent years the percentage of poverty is declining, until the year 2013 amounted to 2.46% or the equivalent of approximately 14,550 people. Similarly, the level of Unemployment in 2007 amounted to 4.58% equivalent to the number of unemployed of about 10,700 people. Subsequently in 2014 Unemployment Rate has dropped to 0.48%, equivalent to around 1590 people. To continue to lower the poverty rate is then required database target social protection programs are accurate and validated on an ongoing basis. Thus the assertion regent of Badung, Anak Agung Gde Agung while giving a briefing in front of the Poverty Reduction Coordination Team (TKPK).

Badung regency in the coordination meeting Database Updates Integrated Social Protection Program (PBDT / PPLS) 2015 in Badung regency, on Thursday (21/5) at the Kriya Gosana Badung Regent Office.

Further, the Regent Gde Agung said that the appropriate Minister of the Interior Circular No. 460/2254 / SJ dated May 5, 2015 on the Integrated Data Base Update Social Protection Program (PBDT / PPLS) 2015 addressed to all Governors and Regents / Mayors throughout Indonesia Interior Minister called on the government in the region to take the necessary measures and participate actively to support the implementation of the Public Communication Forum (FKP) and updating of information household in the village or sub-district level. While Vice Regent of Badung, I Made Sudiana as Chairman TKPK Badung regency in his report that the TKPK coordination meeting held in response to a number of government policies in the framework of the implementation of social protection programs, among others, Presidential Instruction No. 7 of 2014 on Savings Program on Implementation of Family Welfare, Program Indonesia Smart and Healthy Indonesia Program To Build Productive Families. Wabup Sudiana also explained that referring to the president's instructions bureau was tasked to implement a unified data base updates, while the district / city government is obliged to carry out the duties, functions and authority of each to improve the effectiveness of social protection programs. It is significant the importance of synergy between the district / city with BPS in the framework of the implementation of an integrated updating the database which will serve as guidelines in the implementation of various social protection programs.

In respect of the implementation PBDT / PPLS 2015 in Badung, Badung BPS chief god Suambara guided by the head of the Badung regency Pemdes BPMD Sridana Putu Gede said that based on BPS data, the poverty gap index Badung regency in 2013 was 0.27, while the poverty severity index 0.06. "These data suggest that social protection programs are implemented in Badung has shown positive results," he said.

It explains that PBDT / PPLS 2015 consists of a series of activities, namely the Public Consultation Forum at the village / villages to obtain input and feedback directly from the public, which is followed by the enumeration by BPS to obtain information about the characteristics of each household, which refers the data of the Public Consultation Forum. Also present at the event Kompyang R.Swandika Regional Secretary, the heads of related SKPD, Chairman PKK Mrs. Badung regency. Ratna Gde Agung, Chairman of the Dharma Wanita Persatuan Kab. Badung. Ny. Kompyang R. Swandika.

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