Grand Opening of PKL STIS Statistics Polytechnic - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Grand Opening of PKL STIS Statistics Polytechnic

Grand Opening of PKL STIS Statistics Polytechnic

February 18, 2019 | Other Activities

Mangupura - Monday (02/18/2019) at the Wiswa Sabha Utama Building, the Governor of Bali Office held the Grand Opening of the STIS Street Polytechnic Statistics STIS. STIS Field Polytechnics (PKL) in Bali Province is held on February 18 to March 2, 2019.

After the opening was completed, as many as 89 people STIS Statistics Polytechnic students this morning went to the Badung Regency BPS which will conduct Field Work Practices (PKL) in the Badung Regency area. And some students have been well received at the Mengwi District Office.

Hopefully the research output of the 58th Polytechnic Student PKL student can be useful for the better BPS
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