National Seminar 2020: Statistics in the New Normal: a Challenge of Big Data and Official Statistics - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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National Seminar 2020: Statistics in the New Normal: a Challenge of Big Data and Official Statistics

National Seminar 2020: Statistics in the New Normal: a Challenge of Big Data and Official Statistics

September 19, 2020 | Other Activities

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed many aspects of life. The order of life in various fields has undergone many adjustments, including the collection of official statistics data.

Along with technological developments, official statistics providers in several countries including Indonesia use big data to produce real-time official statistics, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the framework of National Statistics Day, on 23-24 September 2020 the Polytechnic of Statistics STIS in collaboration with the Directorate of Statistics Analysis and Development of BPS will hold a National Official Statistics Seminar with the theme Statistics in the New Normal: a Challenge of Big Data and Official Statistics.

The National Seminar on Official Statistics 2020 will be held online in the form of webinars through the Zoom application and the STIS Statistics Polytechnic Youtube.
The panel seminar will present keynote speakers and several practitioners and academics as invited speakers who will discuss big data studies and the challenges of official statistics during the pandemic.

Meanwhile, parallel seminars are held at separate times and are presentations of research results based on call for paper selection.
More information:

Registration link:

Come on, take the seminar. Get various solutions and innovative thoughts related to the challenges of big data and official statistics in the adaptation period of new habits.


# SemnasPolstatSTIS2020
# HSN2020
Badan Pusat Statistik

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