September 26, 2020 | Other Activities
Jakarta- The challenge of using Big Data in collecting Official Statistics becomes even more urgent in a pandemic situation. This was conveyed by Erni Tri Astuti, Director of the STIS Statistics Polytechnic in his remarks when he opened the National Seminar on Official Statistics 2020 (23/09). "BPS must adjust business processes, especially in the data collection process in the field," said Erni.
Even though it was held in a pandemic condition, the seminar was highly appreciated as evidenced by the high interest of the participants who participated. More than 4,500 people watched the seminar, either via Zoom or Youtube. In addition, 146 papers were recorded to be presented and competing for the best papers.
The Official Statistics 2020 Seminar was held online and divided into two sessions, namely panel sessions and parallel sessions. Panel sessions are held in the morning, while parallel sessions are held simultaneously from today to tomorrow (24/09).
"The challenge for all statistical offices in various countries, not only BPS, in the current condition is very big," said Kecuk Suhariyanto, Head of BPS in his keynote speech. On that occasion, Kecuk conveyed various things that BPS had done in response to the pandemic situation.
Adjustment of the SP2020 business process and the initiation of the use of online surveys and big data are some concrete steps of BPS 'commitment to improving and still collecting strategic data needed by the government.
Various inputs appeared in the panel session on the first day. Participants who joined also actively asked questions for resource persons who gave explanations. "It is crucial during the pandemic, the national statistics office has a role to informing nations, delivering statistics to stakeholders and make important decisions," said Marcel Van Kints, General Manager of Statistical Data Integration Division of the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
# SemnasPolstatSTIS2020
# HSN2020
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