Refreshing 2019 SKKRT and SKLNPT Officers - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Refreshing 2019 SKKRT and SKLNPT Officers

Refreshing 2019 SKKRT and SKLNPT Officers

March 23, 2019 | BPS Activities

In 2019, the Badung Regency BPS will again carry out a survey that has become a routine agenda of the Nerwilis section. The survey period is quarterly and has an annual period. Along with Bureaucratic Reform, every survey or census carried out must produce quality statistical data and information. Thus the trust of the users of data will increase and the resulting data can be accessed by anyone easily and quickly.

In order to improve the quality of data from each survey / census produced, it is certainly inseparable from the role of the officers in the field. And before the implementation of the field, debriefing or briefing was carried out by the officers. Likewise for the Balance Sheet survey activities in 2019 a briefing of officers was also conducted. Officers came from organic Badung Regency BPS (Staff and KSK). The briefing is intended to refresh or remind you of the concepts of definitions and materials in the questionnaire and procedures for filling out questionnaires.

Badung Regency BPS held a briefing of 2019 Balance Sheet activities survey officers held in the Meeting Room of the Badung Regency BPS Office. The briefing was guided by the Head of Badung District Nerilis Section, Ni Luh Putu Dewi Kusumawati SST, M.Sc and Nerwilis staff. During the briefing, materials related to the intended surveys were conveyed such as the concept of definitions, methodology, how to fill out the questionnaire, and SOP of the activities used in this survey. In this activity, also identified the problems that will occur as well as the risk mitigation.

# love of data movement
#data educated nation
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