September 16, 2019 | BPS Activities
SHPRB or Survey of Bureaucratic Reform Implementation Results in 2019 conducted by BPS Badung Regency in 14 loci or government agencies. The purpose of this survey is to obtain information on how the results of services provided by these agencies and also find out the level of use of intermediary services in these services. This assessment is categorized into 3 categories, including rating on service standards, evaluating officers and applications on services and evaluating supporting facilities and infrastructure. The service standard is about general information obtained by the community. The officer and application are assessed regarding the officer and regarding the use of the application itself, and on supporting facilities and infrastructure regarding the level of comfort and completeness of the facility. Besides conducting BPS SHPRB, Badung Regency also socialized the Population Census activities that will be carried out in 2020.
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