October 22, 2019 | BPS Activities
Badung Regency Regional Secretariat I Wayan Adi Arnawa, SH became the expert respondent in the 2019 Integrity Assessment Survey which aims to map the integrity and achievement of corruption prevention efforts in government institutions such as Ministries / Institutions and Local Governments.
Today, October 22, 2019 BPS, Badung Regency, which acts as a data collector, conducts an enumeration of the Integrity Assessment Survey in the Office of the Regent of Badung Regency.
Data collection is done by CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing). Officers cannot know the respondent's answer, so BPS guarantees the confidentiality of data and respondent's answers. After the respondent fills in the questionnaire, the data is sent directly online to the server by encrypt.
The Integrity Assessment Survey will not produce an output of the national integrity index so that the resulting index reflects the condition of K / L / PD integrity
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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