Business Characteristics Survey (BCS) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Business Characteristics Survey (BCS)

Business Characteristics Survey (BCS)

October 23, 2019 | BPS Activities

The Business Characteristics Survey (BCS) 2019 is the result of collaboration between the Sub Directorate of Communication Statistics and Information Technology (KTI) with the Statistics Indonesia Statistics Transformation Section. This survey is the result of the integration of three types of surveys, namely the Survey on the Use and Utilization of Information and Communication Technology (P2TIK Business Sector), Survey on Information and Communication Companies (Infocom), and the Science and Innovation Survey. The BCS survey was conducted to reduce provider and respondent burdens, produce a single source of truth for company data, and to increase resource efficiency (time, energy and cost).

Information collected in this BCS survey is to obtain general company data and information, workforce, business structure, basic financial information, marketing and competitiveness, innovations made by businesses / companies, business constraints, and the use of information technology.

BPS Badung Regency is one of the districts in the Province of Bali affected by the sample to carry out Business Characteristics Survey / BCS with a sample target of 78. With the distribution of BCS samples of scale and categories of UMK 24 and UMB 54.

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