May 11, 2021 | BPS Activities
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In terms of data through the Financial Institution Survey, the Trade Distribution Pattern Survey (Poldis) and the 2021 Inter-Regional Trade Survey (PAW), BPS Badung Regency conducted training activities on Tuesday, May 11, 2021.
The implementation of the Financial Institution Survey aims to obtain information on each of the financial sector business activities; and obtain business transactions through financial reports in the form of balance sheets and profit / loss statements for each financial activity. The output of Financial Institution Statistics is in the form of Financial Institution Statistics Publication and Savings and Loan Cooperative Publication Statistics.
Meanwhile, the Trade Distribution Pattern Survey (Poldis) aims to obtain a trade distribution pattern that describes the distribution chain of a good from producers to consumers. The output of this activity is the publication of the Distribution of the Rice Commodity Trade; publications on the Distribution of Trades in the Commodity of Chicken Meat; publication of the Distribution of Red Chili Commodity Trade; and publication of the Distribution of Shallots Commodity Trade in Indonesia.
Trade between regions describes a series of routes of goods from one region to another. The purpose and objective of carrying out the Inter-Regional Trade Survey is to obtain the value and volume of trade, trade and transportation of the main modes of transportation used in inter-provincial trade. The output of this activity is the publication of Inter-Regional Trade in Indonesia and the publication of a Trade Profile in Indonesia.
@ bpsbad
#Financial Institutions Survey
#Bureaucratic Reform
#Movement of LoveData
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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