National Labor Force Survey Officer Training (SAKERNAS) February 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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National Labor Force Survey Officer Training (SAKERNAS) February 2021

National Labor Force Survey Officer Training (SAKERNAS) February 2021

January 22, 2021 | BPS Activities

In 2020, data on the workforce of Badung Regency shows 394,943 residents who have entered the working age, either already working, not working, or looking for work. To collect further employment data in 2021, BPS conducts the National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS) which is held in February and August each year.

Starting this survey, officer training was carried out as a form of coaching Human Resources (HR) towards quality employment data. In the current pandemic condition, training is carried out online or e-learning. New habits force us to keep adapting and create efficiency.

Congratulations on participating in the training for candidate SAKERNAS officers for February 2021. Stay awake and give the best in the midst of this limitation towards Satu Data Indonesia.


# SakernasFebruary2021
#Movement of LoveData
#QualityStatisticData Provider
Badan Pusat Statistik

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