The Discussion Meeting on the Development of Beautiful Village, Badung Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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The Discussion Meeting on the Development of Beautiful Village, Badung Regency

The Discussion Meeting on the Development of Beautiful Village, Badung Regency

May 18, 2021 | Other Activities

The Development of Desa Cinta Statistik (Cantik) is a program to increase the competence of village officials in data management and utilization, so that village development planning is more targeted. This activity is part of the BPS Quick Win, data education, and introducing BPS starting from the village level.

The Desa Cantik program is not in the context of creating new data collection activities at the village level, but rather focuses on increasing the understanding and literacy of village officials on the importance of data and statistics.

This program will start with a focus on 100 villages in 2021, in Badung District the village chosen is Kutuh Village, South Kuta District. The choice of this village to be Desa Cantik was because it had won 1st place in the National Level Village Competition in 2017 as well as several applications that are being implemented and are being developed in the form of SIADEK (Android-Based Population Administration System), E-Lapor (Community Online Reporting), SIGAP (Data Collection System). Newcomers), the availability of a free WIFI network that can be accessed by residents in every Banjar and public facilities.


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